Coin rush 2.6 + devlog every update

I updated coin rush yet again and here's what it has to offer:

I added a Kyle and Splatoon inkling skin, along with 2 new background being the background that showcases the record holders, and a Splatoon themed background. it also added new recommended stuff that people recommended me to add. its in the character [?] tab. I fixed a few issues like the constant buzzing noise, no speed changes when you move left, and layering glitches. I changed the update log tab to something more new. I added something to restore data, but locked behind password because I know people will find a way to get unlimited everything. I added collision for color chips so every character gets the effect from them, as long as being able to collect them. I added a orange color chip that changes the amount a coin gives you every time you collect it.

that's all for this update, see you guys soon!


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Apr 06, 2024

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